Józef Przedpełski
- 1921: Born in Zgierz near Lodz, Poland
- December 1939: Arrest and death of his father, expulsion from Lodz
- Until 1944: In Warsaw, worked in city administration
- September 1944: Deported to Berlin
- Housed at a camp on Ellerbeker Straße
- Forced labour at the Reichsbahn repair depot in Schöneweide
- April 9, 1945: Birth of son in Berlin
- End of April 1945: Return to Poland, settled down in Lodz
- Afterward: Law studies, worked at various state-owned companies
- Birth of daughter
- 1997: Testimony, Berliner Geschichtswerkstatt collection
- 2004: Video interview, Berliner Geschichtswerkstatt collection
- Several visits to Berlin
- 2021: Józef Przedpełski celebrates his 100th birthday in Lodz, Poland.
Stations involving Józef Przedpełski