In the Factory

Distance: 3,1 km
Duration: 1:30 h
Starting point: S/U Gesundbrunnen

Stops on this tour

  1. The Beamtentor
  2. The Machine Hall
  3. Meter Factory, Ackerstraße
  4. Then the Bombs Fell
  5. On Humboldthain Bunker

Tour topic

From and to S-Bhf. Gesundbrunnen (Wedding)

The Beamtentor and gigantic Behrenshalle still bear witness to the once largest AEG factory in Berlin. Former forced labourers at the „Allgemeine Elektrizitäts-Gesellschaft“ (AEG) talk about work in arms production. The witnesses from Poland also tell of their life in the camp, their daily journey to work and the nights of bombing. The tour ends with a panoramic view from the Flak tower in Humboldthain.