In the big machine hall on the western edge of the factory ground, large motors and generators for power plants were produced. During the war, forced labourers had to produce military equipment here. The hall designed by Peter Behrens, can be seen from the yard. Enter at your own risk.
The Machine Hall

We Did Not Come Freely!
In 2000, former Polish forced labourers visited the factory together with a German television crew.

It was a Kind of Slave Trade
Daniela Pawłusiewicz worked for AEG in Berlin from 1942 to 1945.

If the Foreman was Good …
… the work was also better. Testimony of Tadeusz Hanczke, 1997

Nearby: Forced Labourer Memorial
Gustav-Meyer-Allee 25 / Ecke Hussitenstraße
13355 Berlin
S/U Gesundbrunnen
“It was a sort of Slave Trade”: Testimony of Daniela Pawłusiewicz, 1997, work identity card, 1944, Collection of the Berliner Geschichtswerkstatt
“If the foreman was good …”: Testimony of Tadeusz Hanczke, 1997, and private photo, Collection of the Berliner Geschichtswerkstatt
“Nearby: Forced labour memorial plaque”: Collection of the Berliner Geschichtswerkstatt