In the meter factory in Ackerstraße, assembly line production had already been introduced by the mid-1920s. In the Second World War, Polish women from Lodz performed forced labour here. AEG ran over 100 accommodation camps all over Berlin, many in rented restaurants and hotels.
Meter Factory, Ackerstraße

The Meter Factory

For “Training” in Ackerstraße

Various Forced Labour Camps

Dark Berlin
Ackerstraße 76
13355 Berlin
S Nordbahnhof
“For ‘training’ in Ackerstraße”: Testimony of Danuta Bartkowiak, 1997, and private photo, Collection of the Berliner Geschichtswerkstatt
“Various Forced Labour Camps”: Testimony of Tadeusz Hanczke, 1997, and private photo, Collection of the Berliner Geschichtswerkstatt
“Dark Berlin”: Testimony of Daniela Pawłusiewicz, 1997, factory identity card, 1944, Collection of the Berliner Geschichtswerkstatt