Maria Cicha

  • 1929: Born Maria Zalisz in Poznań, Poland
  • 1940: Relocation to the General Government
  • 1944: Deportation from Warsaw, sent with mother to Ravensbrück concentration camp
  • Forced labour at Kleinmachnow subcamp, at the Dreilinden Maschinenbau, Ltd.
  • 1945: Death march, liberated by American troops at Wöbbelin concentration camp, return to Poznań
  • After 1945: Studied architecture, marriage
  • 2000: Participation in a Berliner Geschichtswerkstatt project about forced labour at Bosch
  • Several visits to Berlin, Kleinmachnow and Wöbbelin
  • Maria Cicha died in 2018 in Poznań, Poland.

Stations involving Maria Cicha